GHEE: Power Generator of Body by Vaidya Praveen Kumar

Everyone should consume Ghee even after taking debt. -ऋणंकृत्वाघृतंपिबेत्।

Health is wealth. Consumption of ghee improves good health and good health is the best wealth.!!
Read a whole article about clinical trials on lipid in the management of Covid-19.

Most COVID-19 clinical trials focus on “anti-viral” and “anti-inflammatory” strategies. In contrast, stimulation of inflammation resolution is a novel host-focused alternative to complement current therapies. Some clinical trials are going on to resolve Life-threatening 'cytokines storms' caused by Covid19.

In contrast to classic anti-inflammatory agents, endogenous pro-resolution lipids can terminate the inflammatory response by promoting the clearance of cellular debris. Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), including resolvins, lipoxins, and protectins are bioactive lipid autacoids that mediate endogenous resolution by stimulating macrophage phagocytosis of cellular debris and countering the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines. Importantly, loss of inflammation resolution mechanisms plays a role in sustaining pathologic inflammation. Endogenous resolution processes have been identified in the termination of infectious diseases, including influenza, and could thus be harnessed for averting dysregulated inflammation and associated mortality in COVID-19. SPMs promote anti-viral B lymphocytic activity in influenza, suggesting they may be a promising therapy for COVID-19. SPM precursors including17-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (17-HDHA) have also been identified as potentially promising vaccine adjuvants as they protect against primary influenza infection and promote adaptive immunity. Thus, the use of SPMs or their precursors in combination with COVID-19 vaccines may be a novel and effective therapeutic approach.
The resolution of inflammation is also stimulated by another pathway involving arachidonic acid-derived epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs).

The ongoing clinical trials(research) on good lipids suggest that Lipid is very beneficial in many diseases including Covid-19. All these descriptions already given in Ayurveda texts. Ayurveda suggests regular consumption of Cow ghee and Cow milk- "क्षीरघृताभ्यासोरसायनों". Habitual consumption of Cow ghee and milk is Rasāyana. It increases physical and mental strength and ultimately it provides strength to our Immunity.

Sushrutasaṁhitā has described Ghee as Rakṣoghna (रक्षोघ्न), that means if ghee is offered to fire (यज्ञ) the smoke and smell of burning ghee protect us from harmful micro-organisms.
 By advising to avoid lipids, modern medical doctors are treating patients rather than curing. 
ह्रधा: सुगन्धिनोभक्ष्यालघवोघृतपाचिता:
वातपितहराबल्यावर्णद्रष्टिप्रसादना: ।। [Sushrutasaṁhitā]

The food cooked in ghee is delicious, fragrant, easily digestible, provide strength to mind and body, alleviate vāta and pitta, promote complexion and vision.
बलंह्यलंनिग्रहायदोषाणां, बलकृच्चतत्–[Carakasaṁhitā]

Bala (immunity or Physical and mental strength) is capable of preventing diseases. So, everything should be done that increases Bala.
Vaidya Parveen Kumar
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Kayachikitsa,


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