How to Donning & Doffing of the Personal Protective Equipment

To follow the laid down steps for wearing and removing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for patient care of a suspected/Confirmed Covid-19 patients.

The protocol would be followed by all healthcare workers. (HCW) in SGT Hospital & Research Institute in the institution.

These steps of Donning and Doffing of the PPE would be followed in the sequence listed below.

Steps of Donning:
Remove all accessories and wear hospital scrub suit and put on a comfortable shoe that covers the whole foot. Perform hand hygiene and wear the first pair of gloves. Put on a plastic sheet and then the whole body gown. Zip it up to the neck. Then put on the N-95 mask and check for any leak of air. Wear goggles and ensure that there is no fogging while exhaling. The upper end of the N-95 mask should be covered by the goggles. Pull hood of the whole bodysuit and wear a clear plastic face shield over it for protection of the face. Don second pair of gloves in a way that the glove covers the sleeve of the gown.

Steps of Doffing:
Doffing should be performed in the designated area near the ICU or Operating Room so that there is minimal movement of the HCW with contaminated PPE. The area should have a separate Entry and Exit Doors and two chairs labelled ‘Unclean’ and ‘Clean.’ If feasible, have a Doffing buddy for assistance and guide with a checklist.

If PPE is visibly contaminated, disinfect by using a disinfectant wipe. Perform hand hygiene and then remove the outer pair of gloves. Discard both the gloves in the designated waste container. Perform hand hygiene and then remove the face shield and discard in the designated bin. Perform hand hygiene and then doff the whole body gown. First, remove the hood and let it fall back on the neck. Pull arms part one by one to loosen it off the shoulder and then pull it down away from the neck and shoulders, touching the inside only. Sit on the ‘Unclean’ chair and roll it down off the toes and discard it into the designated waste container. Perform hand hygiene and remove the plastic sheet. Perform hand hygiene and then remove the inner pair of gloves and discard in the designated infectious waste container.

Perform hand hygiene and then remove goggles without touching the face and discard in the designated bin. Perform hand hygiene and wear a new pair of gloves and remove the N-95 mask without touching the outer surface and discard in the bin. Perform hand hygiene and while sitting on the clean chair, clean the outer surface of the shoes with a spirit swab and discard that. Remove the gloves, discard appropriately and perform hand hygiene. Inspect the hospital dress for any evidence of contamination, if there is none, leave the area through a separate door and proceed for a shower.

The signed checklist would then be appended in the patient case sheet.

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