Watch How a COVID Positive Suspected Patient Delivers a Baby

This video aims to demonstrate
• Provision of quality intrapartum services to a COVID-19 suspect / confirmed case in labor
• Prevention of further transmission of the disease.

The following points were highlighted

1. Delivery in an isolation ward - As many of the infected pregnant patients may be asymptomatic all patients who attend the labor room are to be tested and managed accordingly. If the test report is awaited then the patient is to be managed as Covid-19 positive patient. They have to be segregated from healthy women in labor. Hence the delivery room should be away from the main complex. The Covid-19 infected pregnant woman can be allowed to deliver normally. Interventions are done if there is an obstetric indication or there is a deterioration of the general condition of the laboring woman.

2. Use of Level 3 PPE kit - During labor, the laboring patient should be attended by the Health Workers wearing Level 3 PPE kit.

3. Use of Masks - The laboring patient should have a mask on. This will prevent the spread of the infection from the woman to the attendants and reduce fomites.

4. High-risk condition - Maternal and fetal wellbeing is to be monitored electronically throughout labor. If at any time the woman experiences shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, or deterioration of the patient’s general condition, she may need to be transferred to ICU.

5. Care of the laboring woman - The woman needs constant reassurance. She needs to be encouraged through labor.
• Fetal Monitoring is done using CTG
• Maternal vitals are monitored constantly
o Pulse oximeter -Oxygen saturation is maintained above 94%
o BP monitoring
• Labor is augmented by ARM
• Mode of delivery is not be altered by the coexisting disease.
• There is minimal skin to skin contact.

6. Anaesthesia in Pregnant Women with COVID-19 infection - If a caesarean is to be done then regional anaesthesia is to be used and aerosol generation to be minimized.

7. Newborn corner - The newborn corner should be located 2 meters away from the delivery table or in a separate room where possible.


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