Showing posts from June, 2020
Negotiating for Success - What is Negotiation
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Negotiation is an everyday skill. Most of us are involved in formal and informal negotiations that involve discussing terms with new employers, hammering business deals, haggling over the product prices, and much more. In personal life, it could be about deciding something as simple as a menu, convincing parents to buy your desired product – there are endless situations when we negotiate to get the best value. There are some techniques given by Chris Voss that can help improve negotiation skills. Techniques like mirroring, showing tactical empathy, using ‘No’ as an empowering tool, triggering ‘that’s right’, and creating an illusion of control help to negotiate with lots of success.
How to do OPG/CBCT in a COVID Patient
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Covid-19 pandemic has engulfed the entire world and it represents a significant risk to health care workers. This may place an extra burden on healthcare environments. Radiography is an integral part of Dental treatment and can be a need for the hour for COVID-19 infected patients. Saliva carries an increased viral load, hence placing X-ray films inside the mouth should be avoided in the current scenario. OPG serves as a versatile screening radiograph to carry out investigations. Taking OPG for a COVID-19 the patient is possible if all the preventive measures are taken. The OPG area should be prepared before and after every patient with a sodium hypochlorite solution. The chin rest, headrest, and armrests are to be covered with disposable plastic sheets and need to be removed after every patient. Modifications have to be made while taking OPG, firstly, bite block not to be used while carrying out OPG procedure so that nothing is contaminated with saliva. Secondly, a plastic sheet s...
GHEE: Power Generator of Body by Vaidya Praveen Kumar
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Everyone should consume Ghee even after taking debt. - ऋणंकृत्वाघृतंपिबेत्। Health is wealth. Consumption of ghee improves good health and good health is the best wealth.!! Read a whole article about clinical trials on lipid in the management of Covid-19. Most COVID-19 clinical trials focus on “anti-viral” and “anti-inflammatory” strategies. In contrast, stimulation of inflammation resolution is a novel host-focused alternative to complement current therapies. Some clinical trials are going on to resolve Life-threatening 'cytokines storms' caused by Covid19. In contrast to classic anti-inflammatory agents, endogenous pro-resolution lipids can terminate the inflammatory response by promoting the clearance of cellular debris. Specialized pro-resolving mediators (SPMs), including resolvins, lipoxins, and protectins are bioactive lipid autacoids that mediate endogenous resolution by stimulating macrophage phagocytosis of cellular debris and countering the releas...
Video on Faulty Fixed Partial Denture Removal in COVID 19 Positive Patient
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Welcome to the Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University. We are committed to serving the nation during the time of this Pandemic As per guidelines issued by CDC all patients in today’s time will be considered COVID 19 positive and carrier. Following the Guidelines on Clinical Management of COVID–19 of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India a Standard Operating Procedure has been developed in the Department to deal with Prosthodontic emergencies such as Faulty Fixed Partial Denture removal. Procedural Details A patient who walks in with pain in a tooth supporting a Fixed Partial Denture will be treated at Level 3 of Faculty of Dental Sciences. The patient will be given a surgical mask and directed to a separate area or an isolation room. Adequate room ventilation is ensured. The patient is asked to perform hand hygiene using sanitizer with 70% alcohol. A pre-procedural mouth rinses with Betadine for 15 seconds at least is a must to reduce the bio-load. P...
Oral Hygiene Instructions for Infants
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It is important to begin oral hygiene procedures for a child during his/her first year of life. The care should be taken not just of the teeth but also the gum pads of the child. In this video, we demonstrate the correct method of home care of an infant's oral cavity during his/her first year of life
Video on Denture Adjustment in COVID-19 Positive Patient
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Welcome to the Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University. We are committed to serving the nation during the time of this Pandemic. As per the Guidelines issued by CDC all patients in today’s time will be considered Covid-19 positive or a carrier.” Following the Guidelines on Clinical Management of COVID – 19 of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India a Standard Operating Procedure has been developed in the Department to deal with Prosthodontic emergencies such as Denture adjustment. Procedural Details A denture wearer who walked in with the chief complaint of pain on chewing and needs an adjustment in his Denture will be treated at the Level 2 of Faculty of Dental Sciences at SGT University. The patient will be given a mask and directed to a separate area or an isolation room. Prosthodontists attending to the emergency will be donning a PPE (triple layer surgical mask, eye protection, gloves, and gown). Operatory with adequate room ventilation is ensured. ...
Prone Position: A Saviour to Covid-19
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The purpose of the positioning is very well known as the preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects of the health. We often position the client as per the need or as required therapeutically. The Health care workers are well- versed with the different kinds of positions which is been used for long times for the comfort and safety aspects for the client's treatment and their betterment. 1 One of these positions considering the prone position which is been increasingly in the treatment of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and this maneuver is now considered a simple and safe method to improve oxygenation in this COVID outbreak as a pandemic 9 . One of the research studies show if a patient with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is placed on his belly the ventilation is improved due to changes in pleural pressure by the body of the client itself, considering other as the prone positioning may promote pulmonary secretion drainage in patie...
Technique of Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block
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This video will help you understand the landmarks and technique of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Block. Key points in achieving success while administering this nerve block have been carefully delineated for better understanding by students and practitioners. This nerve block is the cornerstone of achieveing successful pain relief in the lower jaw. Dentists frequently use this technique during dental extractions, Root canal treatment, and during the surgical placement of dental implants in the mandible. Mastering the technique requires adequate knowledge of the surgical anatomy of this region and an understanding of these important landmarks with respect to the administration of this block. #sgtuniversity #sgthospital #facultyofdentalsciences #dentalsciences #IANB #mandibularanesthesia #localanesthesia #inferioralveolarnerve #dental #oralsurgery #techniqueofInferior #studentsandpractitioners #Rootcanaltrea...
Video on Orthodontic Care in a COVID Patient
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As coronavirus continues to spread, the Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, geared up and prepared itself to fight and limit the spread of COVID 19 virus while performing patient care, by following guidelines and protocols set forth by the WHO. A small initiative was taken by the department to make a video of our preparedness to perform patient treatment taking all precautions to avoid the spread of the disease in office, protecting both staff and the patient. The video shows how a patient entering into the orthodontic clinic will be guided by a trained dental assistant throughout his visit to the clinic and orthodontist performs the emergency treatment and finally demonstrates on a study model of few orthodontic emergencies that can be handled by the patient at home. Every patient coming to the dental clinic has to be considered now as a suspected COVID-19 patient and will be treated accordingly. All protective gears required to be worn by the p...
How to Donning & Doffing of the Personal Protective Equipment
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Purpose: To follow the laid down steps for wearing and removing the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for patient care of a suspected/Confirmed Covid-19 patients. Scope: The protocol would be followed by all healthcare workers. (HCW) in SGT Hospital & Research Institute in the institution. Policy: These steps of Donning and Doffing of the PPE would be followed in the sequence listed below. Steps of Donning: Remove all accessories and wear hospital scrub suit and put on a comfortable shoe that covers the whole foot. Perform hand hygiene and wear the first pair of gloves. Put on a plastic sheet and then the whole body gown. Zip it up to the neck. Then put on the N-95 mask and check for any leak of air. Wear goggles and ensure that there is no fogging while exhaling. The upper end of the N-95 mask should be covered by the goggles. Pull hood of the whole bodysuit and wear a clear plastic face shield over it for protection of the face. Don second pair of gloves in a way th...
Watch How a COVID Positive Suspected Patient Delivers a Baby
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This video aims to demonstrate • Provision of quality intrapartum services to a COVID-19 suspect / confirmed case in labor • Prevention of further transmission of the disease. The following points were highlighted 1. Delivery in an isolation ward - As many of the infected pregnant patients may be asymptomatic all patients who attend the labor room are to be tested and managed accordingly. If the test report is awaited then the patient is to be managed as Covid-19 positive patient. They have to be segregated from healthy women in labor. Hence the delivery room should be away from the main complex. The Covid-19 infected pregnant woman can be allowed to deliver normally. Interventions are done if there is an obstetric indication or there is a deterioration of the general condition of the laboring woman. 2. Use of Level 3 PPE kit - During labor, the laboring patient should be attended by the Health Workers wearing Level 3 PPE kit. 3. Use of Masks - The laboring patient should hav...
How Eye-Care Professionals are Taking Precautions During Covid-19
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In this COVID era, everyone is scared to examine patients. So we went through guidelines issued by Govt of India and various ophthalmological societies and framed a working protocol which has been depicted in the video stepwise: • Residents and faculty members are being given practical training, motivated and counseled to render their services in this hour of crisis with confidence. • As the patient enters OPD, a mask is given at the entry gate and his hands are being sanitized. • Special arrangements have been made by dividing the examination chamber into two parts with a transparent plastic sheet, so that patient remains in one chamber and examiner in another chamber. This way in spite of close proximity with the patient, the risk of infection gets reduced. • The patient is then examined on the slit lamp with the attached breath shield, which acts as a barrier for droplet infection. • To examine a COVID-19 patient, doctors use PPE. After examination, slit lamp and other inst...
Orthopaedic Practice During COVID-19 Outbreak - SGT Hospital Gurugram
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The medical college witnessed a fair number of emergencies in this period. When a patient comes, we are not sure whether he is COVID Negative or Suspected positive or a COVID Positive patient. In all probabilities we assume that the patient is COVID Positive or at least suspected COVID Positive; we have to take precautions. The orthopaedic emergencies can be in the form of fractures which can be open or closed. We formulated certain policies, that as far as this outbreak is concerning, we must treat all closed fractures conservatively. We must make the patient comfortable with either splints or a plaster, wideout them in the ward and as soon as he improves or his status becomes negative; then we can plan surgery taking again all precautions in the operation theatre because there is paramedical staff, operating team, anaesthesia team, everybody is involved & there is a probability of aerosols coming out. Thus, all these fracture cases we thought of treating conservatively. Open frac...